Jane has been working on this shoulder and it is feeling so much better. The swelling is reduced, I have no pain now when lifting my arm. I am now able to pinpoint the exact location of the damaged tissue, it had been so internally swollen previously I couldn’t locate exact source. My strength is returning and I have full expectations of complete and permanent recovery.
I have been a client of Jane’s since 2006. I highly recommend Jane as an intuitive healer. The most huge issue Jane has been successful in helping me with is my right shoulder. I injured it several years ago and re-injured it in 2008. I have been to an Orthopedic surgeon, a very well-known D.O., an acupuncturist, physical therapy and various other holistic means, as well as several massage therapists…all having little to no results. I was in so much pain at one point I ended up in The Maine Medical Center’s Emergency Room.
How Jane does her work is hard to understand. However, the proof is in the results. Over the years Jane’s work has held tremendous benefits for me in multiple ways. I will always see Jane for my continued health and well being.